
None of our work would be possible without the help of our patrons and donors. We are hugely grateful to the following for their support:
Honorary Trustee
Mimi Gilligan
Mike Fisher
Print Room
Reid Perper & Clara Tucci, T. S. Eliot Foundation
Club Room
Elisabeth de Kergorlay, Julia Rochester, Antony Thomlinson, Tania Bromley-Martin, Catherine Petitgas, Tom Glocer, Ros Shelley
Piano Bar
Amina Arab, Samuel Berwick, Bruno Boesch, Christine Hodgson, Letitia Michotte, Georgia Oetker
Outreach supporters
Doug Clarisse, The John and Lorna Trust
Production supporters
Arts Council England, Austrian Cultural Forum, Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation, Institut Français du Royaume-Uni, London Community Response Fund, The Goethe-Institut London, The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, IIC – Istituto Italiano di Cultura – London, The Royal Norwegian Embassy in London, The Royal Victoria Hall Foundation, T. S. Eliot Foundation
Accessibility supporters
Theatres Trust
and all other supporters who would prefer to remain anonymous